Mushrooms and Bok Choy in Black Garlic Sauce
- At August 31, 2010
- By megan
- In Bok Choy, garlic, Hazel Dell, Mushrooms
I am finding uses for the Korean Aged Black Garlic I recently bought. It has a very unique flavor that pairs well with mushrooms and soy sauce for a complete umami experience. Have you tried cooking with black garlic yet? I don’t know a lot about it, but I’m interested in finding some new flavor combinations to play around with.
For this dish, I coarsely chopped some black garlic. You’ll see for yourself upon handling black garlic that it is easier to give it a coarse chop than a fine mince. It is very soft, yet not as soft as roasted garlic. It’s interesting. I like it. It is also black… very black.
I had some of my favorite mushrooms on hand- Hazel Dell, of course. I sliced up some cinnamon cap, cremini, oyster, and shiitake mushrooms, as well as some bok choy I received from my CSA with Ollin Farms.
Heat up a pan with 1/2 TB peanut oil and 1/2 TB butter. When this is hot, add your mushrooms and get them going. After a few minutes when they start to almost stick to the pan, add a TB of soy sauce, some chopped black garlic, and give it a stir.
After a few more minutes, add the chopped bok choy and 1/3 cup or so of white wine to get a little sauce going.
When the bok choy is bright green, it’s done. I sprinkled some toasted sesame seeds on top.
I kept this really simple for three reasons. 1) I wanted to taste the black garlic. 2) the mushrooms and bok choy were super fresh, so I wanted to allow their flavors to show through without added spice. I just might change that if I make this again without farm-fresh foods. 3) I served it with my super flavorful Best Grilled Shrimp.
BBQ Sauce Tofu and Bok Choy Saute
- At June 14, 2010
- By megan
- In Bok Choy, CSA Challenge, Sauce, stir-fry, tofu
I make a lot of Asian-inspired tofu dishes, so I decided to think outside of my box. I was in the mood for something with BBQ sauce, but wasn’t going to grill. I had a some beautiful Bok Choy from Ollin Farm’s CSA, which I absolutely love. I came up with a BBQ Sauce Tofu and Bok Choy Saute and served it over wild rice. Very satisfying.
First, I planned a little ahead and removed a firm tofu from the freezer to thaw all day. Then, I made a sauce with:
- 1/4 cup ketchup
- 1 TB soy sauce
- 1/4 cup brown rice vinegar
- 1/2 TB dried ginger
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- a splash of fish sauce
- 1/2 cup maple syrup
- 1 tomato, chopped
- 1 cup water
Mix this well and set aside.
Next, press the excess water out of the tofu and cube it into bite-sized chunks. I chopped half of a yellow onion, 1 large shallot, and 1 clove of garlic. Then I started on the bok choy, chopping the stalks into one pile and the big leafy part into another. These cook differently so it is a good idea to chop them into two piles.
Heat up a wok and add some white wine. Start cooking the onion and shallot for a few minutes before adding the tofu and a couple tablespoons of soy sauce. After a few minutes, add the stalky pieces of bok choy, half of the sauce, and cook for five minutes or so. Finally, add the rest of the bok choy and sauce, cook until it is almost to a boil, and serve over wild rice. Enjoy.
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