Coffee, Banana, Rice Milk Shake
I promise… this is delicious.
- 1 cup coffee (hot, warm, or cold)
- 1 very ripe banana
- 1/2 cup Rice Milk (I prefer to make my own, but the 365 brand vanilla flavor or plain will work also)
- cinnamon
Combine the coffee, banana, and rice milk a blender or, if you are so fortunate, a Vita-Mix. Blend. Pour into a glass and sprinkle with cinnamon. It will naturally get frothy on top. Enjoy.
I don’t drink milk, but I’m sure this will also work with the milk of your choice.
Sautéed Broccoli Rabe
- At June 24, 2009
- By megan
- In Broccoli Rabe, side dish, Veggie Sauté
I love buying organic broccoli rabe from the Hmong farmers at the Boulder Farmer’s Market. I enjoy slightly bitter greens, so if you don’t, this dish might not be for you. However, I encourage everyone to try something at least once.
This is a simple sauté in which I used veggie broth to cook and added olive oil when it was done.
- Broccoli Rabe (an amount the size of a small head of lettuce)
- Fresh Pepper, thinly sliced
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped
- 2/3 cup Veggie Broth
- Olive Oil
- Fresh Ground Pepper
Heat the veggie broth in a sauté pan with the chopped garlic. When the broth starts to come to a boil, add the peppers and cook for a couple minutes. Then add the broccoli rabe and cook 2-3 minutes, until it is bright green.
Remove from heat and drain the excess liquid in a fine stainless steel colander. Put the broccoli rabe in a bowl and drizzle with olive oil and pepper. Sprinkle with freshly grated parmesan cheese if you want some more flavor.
Roasted Garlic Whole Wheat Flatbread
- At June 22, 2009
- By megan
- In favorites, flatbread, roasted garlic, side dish
This flatbread is delicious. Follow the Whole Wheat Pizza Dough recipe with the following difference:
Roasted Garlic:
Peel off the loose white coating on a bulb of garlic. Chop off the top 1/4 inch or so of the very top. Place in a small oven safe baking bowl and cover with 1/2 cup olive oil. Wrap this all in foil to trap in the heat, and bake at 375 for 45 minutes or so. The garlic will be dark golden brown and smell delicious.
When it is cool, peel out each clove of garlic (this will be messy) and blend with some of the garlic oil in the magic bullet. It will become a thick, oily paste. Use this garlic paste in the pizza dough recipe in addition to all of the necessary ingredients.
The pizza dough recipe will yield 5 or 6 large flatbreads. Unless you are planning a party, freeze 1/2 or 2/3 of the dough for later use. Roll out your dough, making it very thin, but not larger than your pizza stone. Cut off any extra to use in the next batch it you roll it out too large.
Generously cover the flatbread in olive oil and bake, at 425, for 10 minutes or so. It will brown nicely and you will know it is done. Thinner parts will brown more quickly and become cracker-crisp. This is fine. Just be sure to remove it from the oven before anything burns.
Sprinkle sea salt on the flatbread and slice with a pizza cutter into whatever shape and size you desire.
Roasted Red Pepper, Artichoke, Roasted Garlic, and Feta Whole Wheat Pizza
- At June 18, 2009
- By megan
- In pizza
Follow my Whole Wheat Pizza Dough recipe.
Roll the dough out to the desired pizza size and liberally cover the pie with olive oil. I prefer to use freshly roasted garlic olive oil because I almost always roast garlic for pizzas. That’s a personal preference. The toppings here are roasted red peppers, artichoke hearts, roasted garlic, and feta cheese.
Bake at 425 for 10-15 minutes (depending on thickness of crust) until crust is golden brown and pizza can easily be removed from the pizza stone.
Slice however you like and serve with freshly grated parmesan and fresh basil.
Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
- At June 17, 2009
- By megan
- In pizza dough, whole wheat
- 1 1/3 cup very warm water
- 1/2 TB sugar (either raw sugar or evaporated cane juice)
- 1 package active dry yeast
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- 2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
- 1/2 cup unbleached white flour (plus more for kneading, if necessary)
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 1/2 TB freshly ground black pepper
- 1/2 TB crushed red pepper flakes
- 1/2 TB dry basil
- 3 TB olive oil (I prefer to use the oil from roasted garlic since I usually use roasted garlic as a pizza topping)
In a Pyrex measuring cup, mix the warm water, sugar, and yeast. After 10 minutes or so, this concoction will be foamy and frothy.
Meanwhile, combine all of the dry ingredients in a Kitchen Aid mixer bowl and give it a mix with the dough hook mixer attachment. When the yeast mixture has become foamy on top, turn the mixer to the stir speed and slowly start adding the water. After half of the water/yeast is added, add the olive oil, and then the rest of the water. If the dough is obviously too wet, add more unbleached white flour, one or two tablespoons at a time, until the dough does not stick to the sides, isn’t too wet, and all of the flour is integrated into the dough. It is better to err on the side of caution and add less flour than you need and gradually add more, than to add too much and ruin the dough.
Knead this on stir speed for ten minutes. Cover with wax paper to prevent the top from drying out, and place in an oven (that has NOT been turned on) to rise for just over an hour.
Remove the dough from the oven, punch it down, and form it into a large mass. This is enough for two large pizzas or three medium pizzas. Freeze whatever will not be used at this moment (in wax paper and a ziplock bag or airtight tupperware) for up to one month. However, it is best if used immediately or within two weeks.
After removing the mass of dough from the bowl, allow it to sit a few minutes. Roll it out on a floured surface and allow it to rise 20 more minutes or so. Add your toppings and bake at 425 until done. Done-ness depends on the thickness of the crust. Very thin crusts will be done in 15 minutes, while thicker one will take 20 minutes or more. Check from browning and that a spatula placed underneath the pizza will lift it up easily.
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