Edamame Salad
- At August 23, 2010
- By megan
- In beans, CSA Challenge, Ollin Farms, side dish
Edamame. It’s not just a fun word to say… it’s fun to eat. I got a big bag of edamame in my CSA share from Ollin Farms and was eager to eat the little green beans. I hadn’t had edamame since they were in season last summer, which seems like a long time ago now!
First, I brought a large pot of water to a boil. Then, I added my edamame (maybe a pound?) in their shells and let them boil with a pinch of sea salt for 3-4 minutes. I fished them out of the water and rinsed them in cold water to stop them from cooking.
Now comes the fun part: shelling them. Ask for help here if you want to eat these within a reasonable amount of time.
I dressed mine with sea salt, pepper, a drizzle of olive oil, and 3 cloves of garlic that I grilled, let cool, and coarsely chopped. Yum. The grilled garlic flavor really compliments the buttery flavor and texture of edamame. I’m definitely going to make this dish again.
Pan Fried Zucchini
- At August 22, 2010
- By megan
- In CSA Challenge, side dish, zucchini
I can’t believe I forgot how much I love pan-fried zucchini. I totally spaced this out and stood there staring into my fridge thinking, “What the **** am I going to do with all this zucchini?”
Then the hungry voice from the living room yells, “Do we have enough to bread and fry?”
Genius! Yes! We DO have enough to bread and fry. How did I forget that I loved doing that last summer when I had tons of zucchini?
It is easy. Slice the zucchini. Crack a few eggs in a bowl and mix them well.
Get another bowl for your breading. I used whole wheat flour mixed with 1 tsp sea salt and 1 tablespoon Spicy Spanish Paprika from Savory Spice Shop.
Then, get an assembly line going. Dip in the egg, roll in the breading, place on a plate. Then pan-fry them on medium high in a little olive oil until golden and crispy on each side. It’s best to only flip them once so you don’t lose any breading.
Let them sit on some paper towels to drain off any excess oil before devouring them all.
The Cocktail Element
Have you been to SALT the Bistroyet? It is undoubtedly one of the best farm to table restaurants in Boulder and deserving of a visit. If you’ve been there before, it is time to go back. Not just because we’re in the midst of peak growing season and practically everything on the menu comes from a local source, though that may be reason enough for most.
It is time to go to SALT to experience “The Cocktail Element.”
What is The Cocktail Element you ask?
It is your customized drink menu for you to “Mix + Match = Make Merry.” The Element’s instruction-guide-like menu describes this “Personalized Flavor Formula” as “designed for you by the SALT Cellar Bar Chemists!”
It goes on to instruct you on how to mix + match your drinks. “This is a unique opportunity for you to wandangle the elements of your own cocktail. Choose from six classic cocktail styles + six spirit bases + a smorgasbord of delicious, complimentary, natural flavors. Be the architect of your own entertainment. Select. Sip. Smile.”
And smile you will…
Just flip over the laminated menu card and get your writing utensil in your hand…
On the left you have your base spirits. What do you prefer? Tequila, Bourbon, Scotch, Vodka, Gin, or Rum? Next, decide on a flavor. How do you feel about cilantro? Or, chipotle, tamarind, ginger, vanilla bean, cherry, cardamom and honey, lavender, blackberry, or pineapple? These are some interesting flavors, and if you’re not sure which one you might prefer with your base spirit, just ask your waiter or waitress. The crew at SALT has extensively taste-tested The Cocktail Element and would be more than happy to offer advice.
The column on the right is where I think you need to concentrate the most. What type of drink do you want? Something lively, crisp, and intense like a SOUR? Or something a little lighter, like a COLLINS. Perhaps you like the pomegranate color and taste of a DAISY. Maybe it is time to try a SLING, RICKEY, or FIZZ. All of the different drink styles are described on the menu card.
I’ve had 4 or 5 different combos (not in one sitting) and really enjoy the Bourbon + Cardamom and Honey + Sour myself.
The Cocktail Element is a really unique approach to cocktail menus and SALT is, as far as I know, the only restaurant in town (maybe anywhere?) offering such a hands-on, design it yourself, cocktail experience. It’s time to head to downtown Boulder for Social Hour and design a few. Just grab a marker and circle some stuff on the card. See what comes back from the bar, and let me know what you think.
Peach and Lettuce Smoothie
How can someone love a Vita-Mix so much? The past 8 months have been so fantastic thanks to this workhorse of a kitchen machine. Every morning I drink a green smoothie that is made of oranges, lettuce or another leafy green like kale or spinach, and frozen blueberries or raspberries. It is simple and a very nice way to start the day.
Peaches are in season here in Colorado, so I am pleased to start the day with local, seasonal produce that hasn’t been shipped in from Florida or California. This is my low carbon footprint breakfast drink that I’ll enjoy until I bid farewell to my favorite fuzzy fruits…
Into the Vita-Mix goes 2 or 3 peaches (pitted, of course) and as much lettuce as you can stuff in there. I have an heirloom mix I picked up at the Farmers’ Market. Add a little water and some ice cubes if you’d like it cold. Turn it up to speed 10, then high, then enjoy.
CSA Challenge
- At August 14, 2010
- By megan
- In CSA Challenge, Ollin Farms
Another week of a not-so-challenging CSA Challenge. I LOVE all of this stuff! Corn, zucchini, fingerling potatoes, celery, peppers, lemon cucumbers, kale, basil… and a LOT of tomatoes that I somehow forgot to get into the photo!
Thanks Ollin Farms!
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