Pumpkin Peanut Curry Soup
Every autumn I have a craving for my pumpkin peanut curry soup. I make it once or twice and then wait until pumpkins are in season the following year before making it again. Each time it comes out slightly differently depending on how much of this or that goes in it. Here’s what I did this time-
I roasted a locally grown pumpkin the size of a soccer ball at 375 for 30 minutes or so… I must admit, I totally lost track of time. I have NO idea how long that pumpkin was in there. I’d say 30-40 minutes. I do know, however, that I cut it in half, seeded it (and saved the seeds to make Mexican Mole Roasted Pumpkin Seeds), covered the flesh in butter, and placed it cut side down into a pyrex baking dish with a cup or so of brandy. I am sure of that part.
While the oven was preheating for the pumpkin, I toasted a cup or so of unsalted peanuts. Watch them! It’s really easy to over-toast (burn) nuts. Keep an eye on them and get them out of the oven when they’re starting to brown and smell like roasted peanuts.
But, before I even put the peanuts in the pre-heating oven, I had a thinly sliced sweet yellow onion sautéing on medium-low in some of the coconut fat skimmed from the top of an undisturbed can of coconut milk. I let this start to caramelize while roasting the pumpkin. In the last 15 minutes or so I added a peeled, sliced apple.
So, when the peanuts were done, I put them in the Vita-Mix and made a little peanut butter. Let’s all cheer for the power of that Vita-Mix. What a rockstar appliance. The next step is to blend all of the soft pumpkin flesh, onion, and apple with a can of coconut milk and a cup or so of water into the peanut butter. Start on low, slowly turn it up to 10, then high, and then you’re ready to pour it into a pot and get it on the stove.
This is where the fun seasoning starts. I added a few tablespoons of soy sauce, Kecap Manis (called sweet soy sauce- it is palm sugar syrup, like molasses, but from palm), Vietnamese Sweet Lemongrass Curry (available at Savory Spice Shop), and some cayenne. I let the soup simmer on medium for a while and added some thinly sliced kale that cooked down to be nice and tender after 20 minutes.
Just blogging about this now makes me want to eat another bowl. The creamy peanut-coconut combination is a nice compliment to pumpkin. It brings me back to a small kitchen in Siem Reap, Cambodia, where I had my first pumpkin peanut curry soup. Enjoy!
Sweet Potato Risotto
- At December 7, 2010
- By megan
- In favorites, kale, rice, risotto, sweet potato
Glorious Green Smoothie
- At January 25, 2010
- By megan
- In Avocado, Broccoli, favorites, healthy lunch smoothie, kale, pineapple, Vita-Mix
- 1 kiwi, peeled
- 1 stalk celery
- 1/2 cup broccoli
- 1 apple, cored
- 1/2 avocado
- 4 leaves of dandelion greens
- 1 large beet green
- 1 kale leaf
- 1 cup frozen pineapple
- 1 cup water
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